• Resume

Hi, my name is


I build things for the web

I'm a software engineer specializing in building highly performant applications that solve real-world problems and provide users with an awesome experience. I'm currently working using Spring Boot and Fast API.

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About Me

My name is Rusiru Fernando. I am a Software Engineer from Sri Lanka currently living in Canada.

I've worked using different technologies, both backend and frontend. I'm currently working using Spring Boot et JavaScript. My goal is to build highly performant applications that solve real-world problems and provide users with an awesome experience.

You can read more about me on my LinkedIn page, or Check my Github for some cool things. Here are a few of the highlighted skills I am proficient in:

Backend & API Development
Fronend Web Development
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing
Project Management

Where I've worked

Freelance backend developer
2023 February - 2023 July

As the backend development lead, I took charge of backend development, successfully initiating and implementing backend functionalities

Swiftly learned and adapted to new technologies, including Fast API, Azure Cosmos DB, and Azure Blob Storage

Overcame challenges in generating dynamic Investigation Reports as word documents using Python libraries


Somethings I've Built

Featured project


ImmunoPass is a Solana-based DApp that provides a digital vaccination record platform with fast transactions and low fees. It prioritizes user-owned privacy, data accuracy, and healthcare sector validation.

Solana BlockchainAnchor FrameworkReactJS
Featured project

The GP Service

The GP Service offers a seamless platform connecting patients, doctors, and pharmacies for exceptional community healthcare. UK-based and registered professionals.

Spring BootAngularVueJSPostgreSQLAWS
Featured project


An online specialist pain treatment service offering access to industry-leading medical experts and approved medicinal cannabis treatments.

Spring BootPostgresQLAWSReactJS

Get In Touch

My inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to create your next idea together!